Replacing values in a column with dplyr using logical statements

- 1 min

If I have a dataframe (dat) with two columns, and there are NA values in one column (col1) that I want to specifically replace into zeroes (or whatever other value) but only in rows with specific values in the second column (col2) I can use mutate, replace and which in the following way.


#Example dataframe
dat <- data.frame(col1 = c(1, 2, 3, NA, NA, NA, 3, 2, 1, 0), col2 = c("Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Dick", "Tom", "Harry", "Harry", "Dick", "Tom", "Harry"))

##    col1  col2
## 1     1   Tom
## 2     2  Dick
## 3     3 Harry
## 4    NA  Dick
## 5    NA   Tom
## 6    NA Harry
## 7     3 Harry
## 8     2  Dick
## 9     1   Tom
## 10    0 Harry
dat <- dat %>% mutate(col1 = replace(col1, which( & col2 == "Tom"), 0))

##    col1  col2
## 1     1   Tom
## 2     2  Dick
## 3     3 Harry
## 4    NA  Dick
## 5     0   Tom
## 6    NA Harry
## 7     3 Harry
## 8     2  Dick
## 9     1   Tom
## 10    0 Harry
Danny Wong

Danny Wong

Anaesthetist & Health Services Researcher

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